Strong Interest Inventory

Strong1[Dell]I very much enjoy working with clients to develop ideas about what majors and careers they might pursue. I have frequently used the Strong Interest Inventory (SII) as a tool for exploring these issues. The SII is a really solid inventory that works by comparing a person’s pattern of interests with the patterns of interests given by people who work in different occupations and who like their occupations. However, with thoughtful analysis of the results, the SII can tell people far more than where their interests lie or which specific major or career is likely to work for them. Used well, the SII can provide useful personal insights and helpful tools for considering a broad range of potential majors or careers, and also lifestyle considerations to fit with those. The SII has a solid grounding in research and very good validity and reliability.

I have used the SII with hundreds of people who are trying to figure out the best choice of majors in school or the career paths that make the most sense for them. I have used it with people over a broad range of ages, from teens to older adults. It is an especially useful tool for people who are making significant life transitions—e.g., graduating from high school, starting a program of study in college or a trade, considering changing college majors, seeking employment, wanting to change jobs, facing retirement, etc.

Most people enjoy taking the test—an online experience that typically takes 30-45 minutes. After the test is completed, I spend time going over the results in detail and exploring the multiple meanings those results convey. A good interpretation really says more than just what interests you share with people in different occupations. It provides a crash course in thinking about yourself, about approaches to getting work done, about desirable work settings, and a host of other information.

I charge a standard fee of $220 for the Strong Interest Inventory. This fee includes a preliminary introduction to the inventory, online access to and processing of the test, and an hour-long appointment for the interpretation of the results.